Sunday, March 16, 2014

"Why Men Love Bitches" by Sherry Argov

I want to start by saying I worry that some of you are hesitant to read this book because A) the title has a swear, B) it doesn't apply to you because you don't and won't have sex before marriage anyway or C) you're already married. And that's fine, but I think it's a real shame to pass this book up for those reasons. I too, will never have premarital sex, but as a friend told me "just pretend they're talking about making out instead." And really, sex isn't the only tool to getting a man and Sherry Argov addresses so many other things.  This is not a book about sex. Also, there's lots in here about keeping a relationship interesting and strong. The principles in this book are still worth learning no matter your moral or marital status.

The most important thing I gained from this book was that a woman always needs to put herself first. The way to win or keep a man is not by catering to his every wish. This is something I have struggled with in relationships. This book was a HUGE eye opener to me. Sadly, I have to admit I have been a "nice girl."

I don't have any sort of chapter-by-chapter analysis of this book like I did the last. I can say, however, that I thoroughly enjoyed "Why Men Love Bitches," and I learned a lot. I have always been that girl who cancels things to wait for a call, drops everything when he wants or needs me, and exhausts all my time and energy into pleasing him. Sure - I thought that's what guys like/wanted. So yeah, this book was a huge newsflash for me. I have A LOT to work on. 

I think it is so important for girls to remember to put themselves first. Halfway through reading this book, I found myself in a situation with a guy I quite liked. He seemed to really like me too - he flirted, he texted, he walked me to my car - but I kept hearing rumors that he was already in a relationship. In the end, because of what I'd read in this book, I was able to confront the situation and let him know that I would not be treated like that. The ties were severed and I felt fine. Actually, I felt great. I didn't feel any loss because I wasn't really losing anything.  I was able to keep my self respect and avoid a lot of wasted time and needless heartache.  The key to happiness in or out of relationships is remembering that you don't need a man. You need to be strong and happy on your own. And that makes a world of difference.

It is so important to take care of yourself, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially...If you know who you are and what you expect from yourself, it is easier to know what you need in a partner.  Don't waste your time on anyone who sees you as free time, a pass time or a one time.  Stick to your guns, lay down the law and do what is best for you.  Don't compromise your happiness just because you are lonely.  Get a cat.

This book was so empowering for me and has definitely changed the way I will act around guys - and even myself.

Let me know what you thought!


  1. Guilty...I didn't get a chance to read this one. It sounds like it would be very good though. I'm glad you walked away feeling empowered. When I get a chance I will have to read it. :)

  2. I must admit I read the first half of the book, then left it for a while before getting back to finishing it.
    I loved the list at the end, with all of the principles so that I could review them.
    I am a bitch. Have been and always will be.
    For a short while after getting married, I thought I should play helpless and let my husband do it all. Bah Humbug. I can mow the lawn and will when and if I feel like it. I can put together a book case. And I can definitely hold my own on the farm. This has not hurt our relationship. He loves the fact that I can hold my own.
    I keep him on his toes.
    We have grown and adopted some hobbies that the other has had and other times we opt out.
    I've learned that it's OK to not go with him every time he offers. I learned that the hard way...he didn't always accompany me.
    Comic relief: I loved the comment that although the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, no one said you actually had to cook the food you give him.
    Be yourself first. If you try to change who you are, who is it he really falls for.
